Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Be-early Christmas!
Once again,MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL and may all good tidings be with you! :)
Nat King Cole-The Christmas Song
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Relieved of tiredness for 2 minutes
Cover of Yesterday Once More(excerpt from a Korean Drama)
Well some parts sounded weird at times.This is certainly incomparable if compared to what Karen Carpenter sung.But then again I am touched by the earnestness in its delivery.Spellbound.Apparently the beautiful lady acts as a blind person in a Korean drama thus explaining her seemingly dead and non-existent eye contact.And yeah just the sight of her helps alot too :)
Well Korean dramas aren't my kind of thing and this sure won't make me start watching them.But it sure is nice to know that there are some brilliance somewhere along the line.. ;)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Dry season?Check this out.
Ozzy-Prince of Darkness
William Shatner-Tauren Shaman
Mr T-Night Elf 'Mohawk'
Verne Troy-Gnome Mage
Monday, October 20, 2008
Ice Skating!

A more general approach of identification
1)The people who can skate
Skaters with a sense of stability.Graceful/not.Feet not bent outwards.Can move fast/not.Based on the things just mentioned,exactly the opposite of The people who can't skate.Are divided into a few select categories,but I'm omitting it since I don't feel like writing those down.Maybe only for now.
2)The people who can't skate(Beginners)
Basically the opposite of what The people who can skate can do.Note that it is only a matter of skill,with nothing to do with mentality and presentation of one's own self when I mention exact opposite.
More specific roles
1)The sidebar grapplers
Is identified quickly by just..this is not in any way a simple way of speaking but yeah it is in fact a fact..by just glancing over the sidebars located around the rink,simply speaking the perimeter of the rink.Well these group of people hoards the sidebars,for various reasons which I leave to your imagination.Or you can proceed reading the blue text below.
Taking a rest sidebar grapplers
-Self explanatory.
Stalking sidebar grapplers
-With eyes moving up and down and left and right throughout the rink one wonders who exactly are they looking at.God bless those who fall into their line of sight.More often than not,beginners.Nemesis of the bulldozing sidebar grapplers(explained later).
Gloating sidebar grapplers
-Evil.Looks at people who are terrible at ice skating with a triumphant and often malicious satisfaction.Completed with a weird grin on their faces.Only God knows whom among them can actually skate.Depending on that,may like(gloating) or dislike(explained later) bulldozing sidebar grapplers.
Bulldozing sidebar grapplers
-The bane of all other sidebar grapplers.Beginners.Prowls along their territory,the sidebars.Not called prowlers since bulldoze fits their niche better.Walks along the whole perimeter of the ice-skating rink with their hands on the sidebars,clearing out taking a rest sidebar grapplers,stalking sidebar grapplers,gloating sidebar grapplers,and other bulldozing sidebar grapplers who just happen to get in the way.Hated by stalking sidebar grapplers who happen to be beginners because they actually have to move away from their highly desirable activity and risk falling down,colliding with people etc.Liked by gloating sidebar grapplers who can skate simply for the entertainment provided.
2)I am so fast I can't stop! skaters
Likes to think they are moving at the speed of sound.Zips pass other people they deem to be slow,obstructive.Usually,this brings into effect the standoff between either themselves with other types of skaters or other skaters with other skaters.Well they sure might think they can move at the speed of sound and are the embodiment of sound itself.Sadly real life doesn't work like ideal perfect collision and repel.Even if it might be true,it must be funny to have a topdown view of the rink look like pinball.
3)Hold my hand+I'm so scared skaters
Oh well.Generally means A friend who is good at skating is helping the other friend who is not good at skating.I can't figure out whether this is a parasitic,saprofitic,or an epifitic kind of relationship.A note to the good one.Don't forget to look out for the other skaters,not only at your friend.You may be good at skating,and can avoid other skaters accordingly.But there are many who aren't and may just get their first chance(maybe their first chance of falling down in front of you)of falling down.
4)Apathethic Kids
Note that I'm only mentioning those who are totally not aware of their surroundings.Can be adult/real kid but both share the term kids here.Can seemingly get all that they want in life.Move here,there without making use of their stereoscopic vision.I'm not mentioning how many times they actually fell down due to their own fault.If only they knew how many people they nearly caused to fall down/fall in place of them.Could've filled the namelist of a small party.Then maybe everyone could have a great chat about how they are wrongfully accidentad by the Apathetic kids.
Really don't feel like saying anything here.Since there is a probability of this thread topic being biased,because I'm not good at skating.But yeah,you know what I mean when you see them.
6)Crazy idiots
Well..look what we have here.A bunch of crazed,lunatic people fit to be sent next to the mental asylum in Tanjung Rambutan.Well,my friends and I are in this group.Hmm this is a real first person observation.HAHA :D

Anyway,I fell 11 times.Ask me personally how I fell down for the type of fall i experienced.Pretty good though for a first time,thanks to my 'a long long time ago' experience in rollerblading.Well I guess its time to wrap things up.To the Blades of Glory! XD
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Mental Cases
Thanks to the never-ending workload I get!
Okay enjoy~
The Hambone Brothers
Monday, September 8, 2008
Making sense out of seemingly nonsensical stuff
I find it amusing to fiddle with the thought of how the laws of entropy could be linked to our life. Just a thought, not meaning to be received blindly,just like everything else, it is advisable to not receive anything as it is. Everyone has a brain. Back to the laws of entropy, it states that an object or any thing for the matter will obtain higher entropy when it is in a higher state of disorder. The tendency for materials to exist in a state of disorder is a key factor in dictating the position of equilibrium. By getting into a higher state of disorder, a lower state of energy is reached. To cut to the point, disorder is, in fact a more natural state than order. Therefore unwanted things may be happening just because of all the other things,while the one involved have no involvement or fault in it and is unwillingly caught in the middle of it.
However convincing or not that thread or thought might appear to you, I feel that it is in fact a very selfish thought to have, and I really hope and pray that it does not happen to me in any time in the future. If it does, I hope my friends will bash my head up(not literally though it might be a very fun thing to happen). IMHO we should know that in life, shit does happen sometimes. And it does not happen squarely on any one person. It happens to everyone. So there is no point in finger pointing and blaming everything else and justify it like for example, by using the laws of entropy. Try convincing your parents with it when you are told to tidy up your messed up room.
Fortunately for us, factors which dictate the balance position in chemical reactions are fewer and far less complicated than those in real-life situations if not it would mean a whole load of painkillers whenever one gets the occasional chemistry homework. Well, there is still real-life to deal with, but oh well, its a matter of going on with all that one has together with the people who care for you. Not to forget, looking at things at a different perspective. Lets look back at the law of entropy. If it is natural for things to be in a disorder, then one could contribute to the disorderness of everything by not simply resigning to the fact that one's life is in disarray,and start taking action by taking responsibility for ones predicament. The whole thing would be pulled on opposing sides, contributing to more disorder into the system ,which is much more natural eh? I pray that everyone including myself will not lose any common sense by dwelling on negativity. Sure it is addictive. But well we have the power to make a choice. Happiness is a choice too, and it is up to the person involved himself/herself to make sense of it all.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Weird things on the net..again
Try this quiz.Remember to think out of the box! :D
Try this horror game.Not bad.Really spooked me up while I was playing this with headphones 2 years ago :O
Enjoy! XD
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Oh yeah I remember
Anyway it really felt great to be able to download stuff. For myself, and its in my computer! Haha it sounds funny but yeah I kinda feel proud for having downloaded great material for my first. Estrella! Nice local band. Perfect for the many long nights ahead of me.
Well I guess I better be off to do my assignments.Nway on the topic of this post, yeah I remember. I know this sounds cliche, but memories really do not fade away in a person. Though some things may fade away over time..man..I'm experiencing deja vu?But yeah memories don't. And just like how fond memories bring warmth to any living and breathing creature, it really does bring a smile to my face everytime I think about it..
Carpenters-Close To You
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Its Been Awhile
Well anyway here's a weird but nice ode.Credits to the deceased artist behind it.Adios!
Ode to a Large Tuna in the Market
Among the market greens,
a bullet
from the ocean
a swimming
I saw you,
All around you
were lettuces,
sea foam
of the earth,
of the ocean
of the unknown,
of the
the depths of the sea,
the abyss,
only you had survived,
a pitch-black, varnished
to deepest night.
Only you, well-aimed
dark bullet
from the abyss,
at one tip,
but constantly
at anchor in the current,
winged fins
in the swift
a mourning arrow,
dart of the sea,
olive, oily fish.
I saw you dead,
a deceased king
of my own ocean,
assault, silver
submarine fir,
of seaquakes,
only dead remains,
in all the market
was the only
purposeful form
the bewildering rout
of nature;
amid the fragile greens
you were
a solitary ship,
among the vegetables
fin and prow black and oiled,
as if you were still
the vessel of the wind,
the one and only
unflawed, navigating
the waters of death.
Pablo Neruda(1904-1973)
Monday, July 21, 2008
Another Joy
Thankfully,I'm currently not in the mood to relate shopping complexes to consumerism in capital letters and then to mega conglomerates earning big loads of capital per annum at the expense of 'coolies' at every niche of the hierarchy except for some whom are quite near the top so there you have it that's enough of a load of crap from me..hopefully :)
Well anyway,I managed to stumble upon some kinda fair selling used books in Leisure Mall during one of my first few days back in Kuala Lumpur.A fair selling used books=old books!!
Man I like scouring for nice books.I didn't know when I start having such a passion for books,though I occasionally read some books every now and then.But yeah since small my mother used to take my brother and me to the local library in order to borrow some books to read so I guess that played a large role in incalculating the reading habit in both of us.My parents used to say that it is important to read.And man we sure get to read since we had eight library cards entitling us to borrow eight books at one go! (back then electronics are not embedded into cards hence the need for more than one)
It is a very funny feeling but overall it is nice when I searched through the books.It is like when one is in a garage sale,and there are so many unique used possesions of various sizes and functions.Just to name a few of the things one might see in a garage sale,more often than not there will be little trinkets with fancy colours,table lamp stands with layers of dust covering the light bulbs,while other more notable items might have certain curious appendatures hanging loose at one part or the other due to years of use.Some items might even look brand new,lying untouched for years in the attic just to be discovered in time for a garage sale.The thing is,you never know what you will find unless you keep searching.
The thing I like most about these used books sales is that there is a possibility of finding old titles at a very much lower price than the current overwhelmingly overpriced reprints if ever there are any reprints at all.Though I am very much deprived when it comes to making any sense when I try to describe anything,I really feel like saying that as in all things that are priceless,words become immortal too from the moment it is first formed in the idea of a writer and then,with deft strokes of his/her main hand,ink is minutely discharged from the tip of the pen,eventually forming words and suddenly,whole sentences are materialized,filling page to page,and the process is complete when the magician finally ends it with a fin,or anything of the same sort.Isn't it amazing to think about all that finally being contained into each and every book?
Well,I'm getting sleepy.This post is kinda incomplete :/ Til next time.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Gary Moore-Still Got the Blues
Monday, July 14, 2008
Numero 20! 1! 18! 3! Attaquez!

Objective:To get the original certificate for my A-levels results which are required to be photocopied no no the people in PTPTN will not accept the photostated result slip which were given by the college months earlier to ease our burdens with the red-tape involved in everything that has to do with anchoring our behinds firmly on the course of our choice.
Emm next time just read the part which is highlighted in purple.I'm gonna implement that purple highlight thingy starting from now to save people from the trouble of having to sift through my posts to find any concrete meaning or reason behind it.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Counting Days
My university days are about to start soon.Next Monday to be exact.So it was nice to have my brain whacked into sugarcane pulp to commemorate the days before I'm off.What better way to do that than by having some close friends over for the night?Had Samuel and Jian Yao over my house here on Sunday supposedly to watch the Euro Finals.Ended up I slept right through it.I can't imagine how Samuel could get up since he only slept for 2 hours the night before.It really was a tiring day.At least for now the Old Folk's Home thing is done with and it will be quite some time before I can get involved with it again since my studies are about to be continued.Anyway here's one of the many pictures Samuel the cameraman took for the event.Thanks for the help man :)
After sending Jian Yao home the next day in the morning,its time to get down to some serious business.Its time for some button mashing!Tried Naruto but something's wrong with the DVD..however all hope is not lost.For I crossed eyes with a certain masked guy in white in the box where I kept the games..and everything to do with it was suddenly conjured up in my mind.Images floated into my thoughts at an increasingly fast pace and voila!I AM YOUR FATHER!!! thus came the phrase knocking into my head at the highest speed possible! .............................umm sorry uh there was a certain anomaly in..well..uh I guess my mental sub-conscience which kinda disarrayed my brain for a while and no..certainly I didn't shout that out..Anyway I agree that that must be one of the dumbest phrases one has ever heard in a movie.I won't elaborate on the details.

Yes you guessed it right!Its Star Wars!Samuel and I hopped into our seats.And then came the mindless action!It was his first time playing it and my second time.So there were some minor accidents initially..well..it just involves shooting the backs of our comrades and running around aimlessly and then getting shot at and then getting bombed to smithereens.Umm..maybe its not too minor after all.Anyway Samuel had the misfortune of rolling down a chasm.And I,too excited at the notion of being able to play a Jedi halfway through a mission,double-jumped with glee only to fall into a black abyss.Out it came blaring on the screen 'Ku-bla-bla has fled the battlefield'.Thanks for the reminder.You can stop reminding me now.
I guess we must look like this to anyone who might pass by us while we were playing.

Well..I will surely miss these days.Kay till next time.That is,if I manage to click 'Add Post' without hanging..
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Fulamakatak!!!!! @o@

Imagine..having this beautiful guitar snuggling against your body with its sleek contours and lying on top of your upper thigh with those smooth curves.Man..I hate sounding like a guitar-phile.To me guitars shouldn't be confined to he/shes.It is at an entirely different plane and dimension.It is the embodiment of the hahihehu and it transcends borders,directly linking to the spirit of everything God made.Okaay I'll go wash my face first.
What's most important is..I'm really excited about how will it sound.Equally important is the feel.Though I must admit that my current thoughts about it is seriously biased based on the look of the guitar itself.Look at the finishing!Monterey Pop!Woweeeee!!!
Okaaay I guess I better stop before I go nuts.Can't help imagining myself plucking a single string though.Ahh..I could have done that for the whole day.Imagine the effortlessness of plucking it,the creaminess of the tone!Oh the slight twang!Maple fretboard oh I wana eat apples!!!
(Jason has to be dragged away to the shower and then be given some grub to eat before he ends up being ambulanced to Tanjung Rambutan which is conveniently quite near by the way)
Anyway this song is what's in my mind now.
Carpenters-Yesterday Once More
Well that wraps things up.Gnite to me.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Beauty Frozen In Time

There are always thoughts and ideas springing forth from each and every person.Romantic notions aside,I find it really illogical to deny that.Opinions vary and develop as one matures,as I have observed myself doing so in my thoughts about photography.

Many many years ago,I used to think that photographs pale in comparison compared to pieces which are drawn,printed,and sculpted by hand,just to name a few.I reasoned back then without even having the slightest idea of my own naivety,how can an image produced simply by the touch of a button which eventually will just be confined in a rigid 4-sided thing be able to project any sense of 'artiness'?

Well I must admit even now I am clueless about why some artists and art-admirers can be so enthusiastic about certain pieces of art.But what I do know for myself is there are some things which are able to evoke a sense of awe,wonder and a myriad of emotions within me when I chance my eyes upon some of the things I see now.Not excluding photographs of course, haha.Well I really must get myself a camera when I have the chance in the future!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Dazed and Confused

Imagine lying on bed at night with an incredible heaviness pressing against your body.Top that off with one of those Acme(how do u do that trademark sign) anvils you see in those cartoons already on your head.Imagine they are even some cannibals dancing around two smoking-hot cauldrons that suspiciously looks very much like enlarged version of your eyes.Who knows why they are dancing maybe they are just expressing their joy of having created mushroom soup.It doesn't matter anyway.There are some needles jutting out from your pillow and they happen to poke your neck right now.No don't blame the needle what else could needles do in that position?Give you acupuncture?
Well anyway those were just exaggerated examples.It's really a normal thing to experience unpleasantness whenever one is not feeling well.Anyway the thing which made me curious is.. why does one can feel like one is not really sleeping when one is dreaming so much while one is sick?feeling that you don't really care whether you sleep or not you just want to lie on the bed and roll on it and wait no wait let me rephrase that you just want to lie on the bed and roll on it and delay wait isn't that just a simile of wait let's just drop that you think that you just want to lie on the bed and roll on it yeah it will help shorten the time it takes for your mind to reach the state of mind where it will shut down and you will be able to let your body rest after all your body deserves a rest doesn't it it is feeling unwell after all but why does it deserve a rest I just said it it will help shorten the time it takes for your mind to reach the state of mind that you just want to lie on the bed and roll on it and wait
Anyway it's good to be sick once in a while.Its like a reset for our body system in a way.And in my opinion there is a good reason why God muddles up the mind of whoever has some sort of fever.When all of one's bodily-functions are firing at full cylinders thus raising the heat in one's body above normal,I think it takes a dumb person to simmer down the heat a bit.The following are excerpts of what I dreamt,felt and thought about repeatedly that night.
-Scoring some kinda thing which I don't know myself everytime I roll over the bed in a certain
-Getting out of a government facility by rolling down an inclined forest(why didn't I hit any
-Dream the perfect dream.Did this only once.I acquired the white circle!(Don't ask me why it's a perfect dream.To
me at that moment,it was perfect for no apparent reason.I even woke up in a cold sweat
convincing myself while breathing as slowly and relaxed as I could that I am in control and no
other colour will be able to take away the perfect white circle away from me.At that moment I
believed if I breathed any faster my white circle will turn into a cornucopia of colours which at that moment is bad for some apparent reason.Its kinda disappointing knowing now that it is ridiculous and my heart actually raced for no apparent reason -_-")
In the end I gotta agree that the feeling of knowing I actually get to sleep so much is good :)
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Posting for the sake of posting
Monday, May 19, 2008
Animal Farm

I must say its this short novel by George Orwell is a really good work.Its some sort of a satirical allegory of things to do with the Soviet Union.Before,I know next to nothing bout communism except what we learn about in the Sejarah textbooks and the stuff we are exposed to in popular media.The book really highlights the issues,struggles and problems within communism itself.What seems to be a noble ideology in the beginning which is shared by everyone in society in the beginning is manipulated and twisted later by dirty,corrupted,self-serving individuals.It really made me feel kinda sad and I found myself getting angrier with some of its characters as I read on.And no there's no happy ending for this story as you all know..
Nice Trip
By the way,I've found this nice video clip.Kinda sums up my feelings now in a way..HAHA.Enjoy.
Stealers Wheel-Stuck In the Middle With You
Friday, May 16, 2008
Crazy Calamities..
We are indeed blessed to live in Malaysia where we are protected from most of these calamities except the freak tsunami which occured during boxing day 2004.Even then the many casualties and damage of property we experienced during that time are statistically considered little if compared to the hundreds of thousands who lost their lives in other parts of the world.I'm not belittling any of the loss and pain experienced by those who are directly affected by the tsunami which hit our country unexpectedly..there must be a lot of untold grief and suffering to all those who are involved and I really respect those who could still get on with their lives despite their loss.What I'm trying to convey is we should appreciate the fact that we are spared from what could potentially be disasters at a much larger scale that could affect even greater numbers of people.
Amidst the tonnes of rubble in Myanmar and China,I really hope that many more people are still alive and could be extricated in time..time is very short indeed for these people..Since I'm not in a real position to help out or what same for most of you people too I think..I hope it is not too much to ask that everyone spares a bit of their time to pray or just spare a thought for the victims,their loved ones,the rescuers,and all those who are involved in both of these tragedies.Here's one for the human spirit!

Thursday, May 15, 2008
P.S. There is really no meaning for this post..
Sugar-Coated-Frosted Bombs,anyone?

Monday, May 5, 2008
Here and Away Again
What's a cow and some bottles doing there?Well you know they have a lot of cows in New Zealand.Well at least that's one of the stereotypes people have of New Zealand.With plenty of cows there should be a lot of cow dung there with highly untapped commercial value,right?So I think it would be nice if there's cow dung flavouring.Don't you think so?So I'll leave the honour of testing out the first batch of cow dung flavouring specially prepared by me for you guys.Do tell me about it next time!No don't thank me really. XD
P.S :Sorry to any cows or New Zealanders who find this post offensive.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Zaniness of the Online World
Here's a video I found in youtube yet again.
That's the World of Warcraft That You Play!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Secret Garden-Song from a Secret Garden
Thursday, April 17, 2008
4th Anniversary
Honestly,I've just realized it around 2 days ago.I was just doing nothing at that moment when suddenly,a thought crossed my mind.Seriously..I got goosebumps when it dawned upon my mind.I mean..could it really be?Immediately I ran upstairs and i opened up the case.Yeah,the receipt clearly shows that it was close.On the day after tomorrow,on the 17th April 2004.It was the day when my electric guitar,not forgetting the amplifier came into my hands.
The night before I went with my family to the music shop in JJ just to check things out.My dad said it's allright don't rush it we can still head over to KL tomorrow.I remember that morning,the whole gang of us got our behinds anchored onto the innards of my dad's old volvo.We were headed towards KL.My dad's driving,with my godfather seated in front,while the rest of us comprising my bro,my godbrother n I got seated at the back,naturally.And I got myself sandwiched in the middle..the most horrible seat one can get in a car,especially someone who is around my height or taller still.I really cannot comprehend how back in the old days,my bro and I used to bicker over who gets the back middle seat.Ah I've just remembered.It was because of the air-cond haha.
Nway,we just barraged our way through the crazy roads in Kl and its good that we arrived at Bentley without more than 2 hours delay.Man this shop is huge!So many Fenders and Ibanezs.The price tags doesn't help.Prior to the trip,my bro and I agreed with our dad that we would spend less than RM1000 each for our choice.So at that moment all I wanted is a below range Ibanez.I was confused why my godfather and godbrother always looked at me with a kind of look whenever I tested Ibanezs.They said its your choice,choose your own guitar,feel it yourself but of course I took their opinion in mind when they don't seem to like the tone of the low-range Ibanezs i tried.
Later on we went to Woh Fatt somewhere around Jalan Imbi.The shop was filled with Gibsons.At that time I didn't realize why my godfather and godbro can just chatter about it with so much enthusiasm.Like the Fenders.Nway the price tags here made my eyes bulge out even more..So I was just scurrying through running my eyes all over without any expectations of owning any.Again I was asked not to worry and tried a guitar or two.Haha my test songs for this trip were always Megalomaniac and One Last Breath.Kinda funny thinking about it now.I must have played Megalomaniac horribly that time haha.
We then went to Bangsar.KL really feels so big for me at that time.And I remember feeling very bored with all this travelling around.We stopped somewhere near a The Ship outlet where theres a guitar store.In it we saw a nice guitar.It was an Epiphone Les Paul,coloured in brown sunburst.It even has a tremolo bar!My godfather was all for it due to the tremolo bar while my godbro thinks its good but as it will be my guitar I should choose one without any defects.There's no pickguard but my godbro liked that haha.What he didn't fancy were the scratches.Woah it didn't even fell onto my line of sight!Nway we left another guitar store yet again without a guitar in hand.
The next stop is just an ordinary music shop selling mostly pianos with those standard below-range Ibanezs and Squiers one can find in any music store.Left that place in less than 10 minutes.And then we were headed back to Ipoh.My bro decided not to buy any guitars for himself.At this point I kinda felt that all these effort we did are futile.It's good that I was reminded by my godbro that all these will give me the kind of experience and knowledge much needed in every good guitar player who knows his/her stuff.
We went back to the store in JJ.And I saw that there was this guy seated there,trying out a really beautiful electric guitar.That is the Les Paul we saw earlier!With a totally different look to it.It has a cherry sunburst colour and a really cool pickguard.There's no tremolo,but it really looked nice.Waited for the guy to finish with it,then I had a run-thru with it.This time i even played Apache haha.And though i didn't know the difference in tone at that time,this guitar really feels good to me.I liked it.
The price was again high though.It costs Rm1900.Of courselah,I thought dejectedly,it's a great guitar wert.Nway my dad asked whether I liked it or not.I said yeah.What about the amp?Err yeah but its so big.And it costs Rm1800..Then my dad simply paid for both of it.I was ecstatic and I was so happy.I'm grateful to have such wonderful parents and I really appreciate his way of showing me that he loves me.And yeah I'm really thankful for my godfather n godbro who followed us the whole day literally and it really is a plus that they know the owner of the JJ guitar store so my dad got a 10% discount!
Haha this post is extremely long.Must be kinda boring.Well I brought the guitar here with me today.It really is great but well that's another story.Argh im itching to play so til then!
Me with the guitar 4 years ago(no camera to take a new photo..)

Monday, April 14, 2008
Uber cool
George Baker Selection-Little Green Bag
And regrettably i can't post that often since I don't have a broadband connection at home,i'm still using dial-up..seems like those telcos are purposely making it heck for us dial-up users..well if im wrong I apologize but for me at least it takes forever just to get connected..about..20 or so freecell games usually haha.
Hope there'll be less monopoly in the future-lah.Oh and i hope KL gets inducted into the upcoming Monopoly World edition voting is over by now..
Friday, April 11, 2008
Dumbstruck by 300 Spartan Soldiers

At that time I was still abit nonchalant about it.Up til the day i finally watched Meet the Spartans,which again my brother introduced to me.
I was completely blown away.Its not that its incredibly imaginative and original.It was just plain cheap slapstick nonsense with non-existing common sense.There is nary an iota of intelligence behind the movie.Instead it was just served for an audience whos jump into the ride hoping to get their brains smashed into a pulp.Low in DHA juice.
I will never forget.
Men of valour skipping to battle.
Men of iron with painted abs.
Men of extraordinary sense of duty to their homeland sipping coffee bean and beer before battle.
And the ultimate question:How many people can one kick into a well before it gets overcrowded?
Whatever it is I liked it :)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Longest Time Spent Online
then why can't i paint you?
The words will never show,
the you i've come to know.
If a face can launch a thousand ships,
then where am I to go?
There's no one home but you,
You're all thats left me too.
And when my love for life is running dry,
You come and pour yourself on me.
If a man can be two places at one time i'll be with you,
tomorrow and today,
beside you all the way.
If the world should stop revolving spinning slowly down to die.
I'd spend the end with you,
And when the world was through..
Then one by one the stars would all go out,
Then you and I would simply fly away.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Of War and Rock Music Through the Times
There goes sumkinda battle..maybe somewhere between the age when gunpowder was used or maybe during the age of enlightenment.
Guns N Roses-Civil War
Another 1..obviously it depicts the civil war which occured in the USA during 1861–1865.What a coincidence that it ended on this very day.Eh no..why's there Tom Hanks in it??!!This ain't supposed to be Forrest Gump or World War II!!
Green Day-American Idiot
And nowww we have this which revolves around the events after September 11,the war in Iraq stuff like that.What another crazy coincidence i just knew Iraq fell to American troops on this very day too!
Nway in case you're wondering,rest assured I won't go elaborating bout all the bla blu ble blu bout war n such.Instead,look at the videos and the rock bands behind it.All have something to say bout war.But what's great is whether it is for mustering up battle spirit or telling about the cons of war..rock music does it great.
Yeah rock is so damn cool.So always use batu when u play rock,paper and scissors.Even if you lose the round,what matters is you won't go down without first putting up a tough fight.And don't forget that your spirit won't yield to failure no matter what happens.So let's all hear what the old man says and chant the warrior's prayer!(P.S. this posting is just an excuse for putting up the first 2 videos obviously)
Somebody Else's Problem

Sure..one might think it's just somebody else's problem..why should i care and cause unnecessary trouble on myself on behalf of another person whom i seemingly have not even had a single second of acquaintance with??I'm not here to say that i'm in any way holier than thou or not.Frankly if I was in that situation i think i'll just get stunned and not be able to move a single muscle to do anything at all since i'll be way too confused and terrified like nuts.However,what i do want to point out is..we do not know when or where things like this might happen.It might happen right now or the day after tomorrow.It might happen to someone who is close to you.. so IMHO one should seriously think over these things..because who knows?It could just happen to me myself or you yourself one day..and it could be that nobody will come to our rescue.
On a lighter note,let me share with you something i read from 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' regarding S.E.P.s .'An S.E.P.,is something that we can't see,or don't see,or our brain doesn't let us see,because we think that it's somebody else's problem.That's what S.E.P. means.Somebody Else's Problem.The brain just edits it out;it's like a blind spot.If you look at it directly you won't see it unless you know precisely what it is.Your only hope is to catch it by surprise out of the corner of your eye.'
It's funny yeah.But there is a profound meaning to it if you look at it with a different perspective.
I rest my case.