Monday, July 14, 2008

Numero 20! 1! 18! 3! Attaquez!

It's been a whirlwind week.After staying idle doing watever I could lay my hands on for the holidays,I'm back again.Yeah..back to the heckish ride in this place called Kuala Lumpur.

What's worse,after a week of being here,I find myself once again in a place best forgotten which I knew I have to come to eventually but not before much delay.But as everything in life goes,one can never assume one's plans to go smoothly without even getting a bump here and there.Maybe the road could even be tarred anew completely,a road totally different from what one envisioned before,even with new landscapes for the eyes to lay hold on.

It is easy to get into a state of delirium with all that and one might think "why did I never know of this before?" Of course,to know is such a powerful word,and it is plain ignorance for anyone to lay claim on knowing when what one assumed that he/she knows is truly just the most minute of either observation and experimentation or both of the subject in hand.So now,with all that in mind,let me try to muster as much stupidity as I could bear now before exclaiming aloud in my heart.. "WAT THE HECK AM I DOING HERE IN TARC??!"

Location :Tunku Abdul Rahman College
Objective:To get the original certificate for my A-levels results which are required to be photocopied
no no the people in PTPTN will not accept the photostated result slip which were given by the college months earlier to ease our burdens with the red-tape involved in everything that has to do with anchoring our behinds firmly on the course of our choice.

Emm next time just read the part which is highlighted in purple.I'm gonna implement that purple highlight thingy starting from now to save people from the trouble of having to sift through my posts to find any concrete meaning or reason behind it.

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