Friday, June 13, 2008

Beauty Frozen In Time

There are always thoughts and ideas springing forth from each and every person.Romantic notions aside,I find it really illogical to deny that.Opinions vary and develop as one matures,as I have observed myself doing so in my thoughts about photography.

Many many years ago,I used to think that photographs pale in comparison compared to pieces which are drawn,printed,and sculpted by hand,just to name a few.I reasoned back then without even having the slightest idea of my own naivety,how can an image produced simply by the touch of a button which eventually will just be confined in a rigid 4-sided thing be able to project any sense of 'artiness'?

Well I must admit even now I am clueless about why some artists and art-admirers can be so enthusiastic about certain pieces of art.But what I do know for myself is there are some things which are able to evoke a sense of awe,wonder and a myriad of emotions within me when I chance my eyes upon some of the things I see now.Not excluding photographs of course, haha.Well I really must get myself a camera when I have the chance in the future!

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