Saturday, June 21, 2008

Fulamakatak!!!!! @o@

I was just looking around at some pictures when I stumbled upon this online.This picture made my day.Whoever owns it is indeed a really really really really fortunate person.Heck I would throw materialism out of the window and then jump after if I could have this.Hehe.

Imagine..having this beautiful guitar snuggling against your body with its sleek contours and lying on top of your upper thigh with those smooth curves.Man..I hate sounding like a guitar-phile.To me guitars shouldn't be confined to he/shes.It is at an entirely different plane and dimension.It is the embodiment of the hahihehu and it transcends borders,directly linking to the spirit of everything God made.Okaay I'll go wash my face first.

What's most important is..I'm really excited about how will it sound.Equally important is the feel.Though I must admit that my current thoughts about it is seriously biased based on the look of the guitar itself.Look at the finishing!Monterey Pop!Woweeeee!!!

Okaaay I guess I better stop before I go nuts.Can't help imagining myself plucking a single string though.Ahh..I could have done that for the whole day.Imagine the effortlessness of plucking it,the creaminess of the tone!Oh the slight twang!Maple fretboard oh I wana eat apples!!!

(Jason has to be dragged away to the shower and then be given some grub to eat before he ends up being ambulanced to Tanjung Rambutan which is conveniently quite near by the way)

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