Friday, April 11, 2008

Dumbstruck by 300 Spartan Soldiers

Don't get me wrong.I've watched 300 and i think its quite a nice movie.Well actually I was watching it while my friends were scene-hopping the movie since they've already finished watching it earlier,but still..yeah i really think it is an allright movie.

Until my brother showed me these.

At that time I was still abit nonchalant about it.Up til the day i finally watched Meet the Spartans,which again my brother introduced to me.


I was completely blown away.Its not that its incredibly imaginative and original.It was just plain cheap slapstick nonsense with non-existing common sense.There is nary an iota of intelligence behind the movie.Instead it was just served for an audience whos jump into the ride hoping to get their brains smashed into a pulp.Low in DHA juice.

I will never forget.

Men of valour skipping to battle.

Men of iron with painted abs.

Men of extraordinary sense of duty to their homeland sipping coffee bean and beer before battle.

And the ultimate question:How many people can one kick into a well before it gets overcrowded?

Whatever it is I liked it :)

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