Well...uhh..I'd keep the idea of clouds and breezes if I were you just for its air of serenity?,which can be kinda related and cushioned with the next few lines(I certainly do hope so :/ ).
Anyway,when one looks at the sky,it usually brings the same things to mind.You know,clouds,yeahh,peaceful,whoo!,heaven,whoaahhh..and yeah..spaceeeee..

Ahh ..Space,the final frontier..as often heard said by Captain James T.Kirk of the starship Enterprise.Nicely chosen words,spot on,even more so resounding,due to its seemingly simplistic delivery,yet,you know how bold it is.
Some personal details.I live in my parents' house.It's a nice double storey semi-detached house,not too big,is enough for the needs of my family,and most importantly,it's comfortable to live in.It's about 2500 sq feet..I guess.My personal space.
I don't know about you,but in the part of the country I live in,its.....uhh..Google time.Ahh.It comprises an area of 131,587 sq km (50,806 sq mi), extending 748 km (465 mi) SSE-NNW and 322 km (200 mi) ENE-WSW.To give another figure,lets say Australia.There,it has a total area of 7,686,850 sq km (2,967,909 sq mi).Well the site says that Australia is slightly smaller than the United States.Still..the figure looks big huh?All the numbers!
Well..I guess some might be wondering why the heck am I spewing out boring numbers and all.Just trying to help you picture the whole enormity of the world we live in.

Well anyway,the equitorial diameter of the Earth (distance from one side of the Earth to the other at the equator) is about 7,926 miles.And there's more..the surface area of the Earth is about 510,000000 sq km.
Next~The minimum distance of the Sun from the Earth is apparently..146 millions km!(91 million miles!) And that's a line!
Well I'm sure everyone has heard of how fast light can move,speed of light wheee.Light travels at a velocity of 300000km per second(about 186232 miles per second).So it takes just a freaking 8 minutes plus for light to cover that distance all the way to the sun!
Yet,our humble Earth and sun are part of the solar system,which is just another solar system found in our galaxy which the scientists call the Milky Way..I can't remember but I think I've read that when the telescope gazers look at their contraption,our galaxy looks..milky?I have no idea whether they are hungry or thirsty at that moment but well,I guess it should look like that seriously.Anyway..it's said that our galaxy contains at least 200 billion stars(suns)......chew up the figures.And guess what.The Milky Way Galaxy is about 150,000 light-years across.Light-years.Yes light-years you read that right.The distance light travels in a year.For 300,000km a second..that's..explosive.
There are untold amounts of galaxies,just so you know.And..the nearest one to our galaxy,Andromeda,is 2.3 million light-years away.

Anyway,which brings us back to the topic(or seemingly non-topic).It is indeed stupefyingly fascinating how in the magnificent scheme of things in which we are but a..what?Speck of dust's dust's dust's dusts' dusts's?Okay multiply that as many times you wish.Just how vast can space be?
Back to Earth(sorry stupid pun) it is indeed stupefyingly fascinating pondering upon how our lives revolve,the time,effort,blood,sweat,watever emotions,feelings.Going through all these each and every day in our lives until the day we pass on to another sense of existence(or non-existence,watever your beliefs are).I do not know about you,but for me,its good that I put a brake to things right now while writing this post.
Unbound possibilities.Well alot of people do say things like,"Aliens are out there!".UFOs E.T. and all have been ingrained in popular culture.Fascinating things,stories,theories,even those which are fabricated.Makes good reading(seriously in need of citation).Well I guess it's better compared to being so closed-up enough to think that we are the only ones around in this whole friggin super-duper-hyper gargantuan space we exist in!
So let us all become budding astronomers and expand the way we view our world.Well of course I meant it as a matter of perspective.But oh well you could try it literally.Who knows,maybe if you just look often enough,with pitch-perfect timing and bags of drugs enough to put you to sleep forever,you might justtt be able to catch that exact moment in time where the light,from God knows how far away,makes contact with your telescope lens.(We see something because light reflects from that something,go figure. :) ) There!You have your glimpse of some good old cavemen eating grub by the fire!Well,I just hope that the next moment you blink and look up at the sky,you won't be seeing a bunch of crazily-evolved beings aiming other-worldly big-fat laser guns at you from their oh-so-grand spaceships.All in a days work. ;D
P.S (Jittery exam fears have busted up Jason's brains and he certainly does cling desperately in the hopes that the last few sentences will become reality..somehow.)