Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Well..if I hadn't stopped myself to just think for a moment,I would have nearly forgotten bout this.

It's been a year plus,around 1 year n 2 months since I've started typing out some of the stuff that I so happen to type out when I stare at the emptiness I see whenever I clicked on 'New Post'.

Yeah fast forward to now and I now have..40ish posts in my blog!

Umm yeah I do admit that I am at fault when it comes to posting some stuff which is really simply stupifying.

And yeah I am also at fault for being a usually(veryy subjective though I guess it's all against one in this matter arghh I can feel the piercing ALWAYS coming from wherever it came from!) latent blogger who seems not to care much about the upkeep of my blog.

But what I can say is,I DO try my best to come up with interesting ways to put forth some of the things I decided to share with the masses..trying to make things fun now n then(with some lapses of monotonous ramblings in between please don't shoot me!).

And I seriously do not know how many people actually drop by to read my blog,for I did not really share my address with many of my friends..only told a few of them personally bout its existence.So it's really nice to know that some of my other friends managed to link up somehow.And yeah to those out there whom I do not know of personally who happen to be passing by,thanks for the visit/s really appreciate it.

Yeah I would like to reiterate what I mentioned in my first posting.Any comments/opinions/criticisms are welcome so that I can learn more in the process to come up with better ideas and better ways to present it too.It would be nice to learn of other views too from other perspectives.

Once again I would like to sincerely thank all those who've come and gone here and there now and then to visit my humble blog.I plainly do not care to put any counters or whatever to count your numbers,but yeah,I hope that I can come up with more interesting postings in the future for all those who happen to be here,no matter the amount.

Here's a toast from me for a resolution of sorts(though I detest resolutions).More postings FTW!

(Delayed the posting of this post for so long =_=")

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