Sunday, May 3, 2009


God it has been ages since I've last had this feeling last as long as it does now.It is like this latent part inside of me,has suddenly been reignited,due largely to a nudge I had in the past few days.And yeah..does it feel good.Does it feel good to be back.Does it feel good to be able to feel again this feeling again.Does it feel like something has returned to me.

Yeah I'm once again starting to appreciate the sounds I hear in the music I listen to.

No it is not something so great such that I can discern anything I hear around me clearly note by note and just get inspired or whatever and get all crazy with it or what.I'm not a genius or anything like that.

The thing is..come to think of has been so long since I even pay heed to what I listen to nowadays.The songs I hear..and such..has been like oh it just goes by yeah yeah it is nice to hear oh nice voice stuff like that.

It's nice that now I felt the initiative to actually listen to and at the same time appreciate what I's like it's exciting once more to hear things like the lyrics,the rhythm,how the melody goes,how a whole song meshes itself together..even until extents where I'd be did they do that?That is seriously good..I wonder whether I would be able to produce things like that?How did that ever occur in that person's mind to actually play it that way in that sense?

It's like I can see something magical about music again.

Like the moment when I first strummed the strings of an electric guitar.I remember getting blown away by the distortion I was something which is completely foreign and alien to my ears at that time..I still remember I was..shocked if you can describe it that way and I just could not describe the sound I heard at that moment.It was that new to me at that moment.I remember thinking.."How could I have never heard this before?They have electric guitars in songs I listened to here and there,no?Then why does it sound so new to me now?"Of course,while I was strumming the guitar in the music shop that night,it sounded horrible to the people around me what with my 'excellent' idea in strumming full,whole chords with an electric guitar on full distortion terribly at that too.But nothing mattered at that moment for me.I was lost in awe.Well I do admit I came back to my senses soon after that and quickly asked for the shop-guy nearby to lower down the volume and switch the amp back to clean. :)

I suppose that thing's like this can be compared easily to any number of things one may have experienced in their lives.Like the moment when a baby first open's his/her eyes to the wide arms of the world..there are so many things assaulting the little ones senses at that single moment that the baby could do nothing but just cry.Like the moment when a person first had a crush on somebody's like all of a sudden the whole world revolves only around that single object of affection.Like the moment when a prisoner on life-sentence who has been kept in a dark danky cell for what seems to him/her like an eternity is suddenly given a chance to take a peek at the outside world with the blazing sun at its full glory.

Well..the point here is,over the many paths we walk in life,we do go into a stump here and there.New things are gained with every step,and some things may be lost too as we journey on in each of our own paths.We could get interested in new things,and we could just as easily lose some things too unknowingly.

Argh shit I just realized the message circles back to this all too common thing I always discuss ONCE again @_@ Gona stop blabbering here before it gets back there. =_="

Ah well for me at least,I'm glad that I've reclaimed this feeling.Hope it stays hawhaw.

What's it gona be then,eh?

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