It is amazing just to observe where shopping complexes stand in the life of any person in this day and age.There are so many shops offering such vast arrays of differing goods and services that consumers are often spoilt for choice when deciding what to buy and even what to look at.Yes,not only can one literally shop til he/she drops,there are still so many things to do in a shopping complex from indoor rock-climbing to catching a blockbuster movie that it is not surprising that the modern shopping complex is one of the favourite haunts for the young and hip and even as a place for any family to spend the weekends in to share some light moments together.
Thankfully,I'm currently not in the mood to relate shopping complexes to consumerism in capital letters and then to mega conglomerates earning big loads of capital per annum at the expense of 'coolies' at every niche of the hierarchy except for some whom are quite near the top so there you have it that's enough of a load of crap from me..hopefully :)
Well anyway,I managed to stumble upon some kinda fair selling used books in Leisure Mall during one of my first few days back in Kuala Lumpur.A fair selling used books=old books!!
Man I like scouring for nice books.I didn't know when I start having such a passion for books,though I occasionally read some books every now and then.But yeah since small my mother used to take my brother and me to the local library in order to borrow some books to read so I guess that played a large role in incalculating the reading habit in both of us.My parents used to say that it is important to read.And man we sure get to read since we had eight library cards entitling us to borrow eight books at one go! (back then electronics are not embedded into cards hence the need for more than one)
It is a very funny feeling but overall it is nice when I searched through the books.It is like when one is in a garage sale,and there are so many unique used possesions of various sizes and functions.Just to name a few of the things one might see in a garage sale,more often than not there will be little trinkets with fancy colours,table lamp stands with layers of dust covering the light bulbs,while other more notable items might have certain curious appendatures hanging loose at one part or the other due to years of use.Some items might even look brand new,lying untouched for years in the attic just to be discovered in time for a garage sale.The thing is,you never know what you will find unless you keep searching.
The thing I like most about these used books sales is that there is a possibility of finding old titles at a very much lower price than the current overwhelmingly overpriced reprints if ever there are any reprints at all.Though I am very much deprived when it comes to making any sense when I try to describe anything,I really feel like saying that as in all things that are priceless,words become immortal too from the moment it is first formed in the idea of a writer and then,with deft strokes of his/her main hand,ink is minutely discharged from the tip of the pen,eventually forming words and suddenly,whole sentences are materialized,filling page to page,and the process is complete when the magician finally ends it with a fin,or anything of the same sort.Isn't it amazing to think about all that finally being contained into each and every book?
Well,I'm getting sleepy.This post is kinda incomplete :/ Til next time.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Once,I used to savour the taste of sadness.Its like an additive,to quote a recent blog posting of one friend of mine.It is like a hunger deep inside you,intermingled with many different yet not too different feelings,since all are negativities in effect.Frustration,anger,self pity,doubt,grief,fear..all these makes one anything but superficially in touch with ones senses and perception.One suddenly realizes that his/her heart is just a very raw and fragile piece of red meat,just the size of ones fist,and one wonders how many more poundings it will take before the heart just stops beating.Thinking back,it is kinda dumb why I asked for suffering long ago.Not that I suffered much more compared to anyone else.Observing things that happened recently to the people around me and to me myself,once again a sudden longing for sadness has struck me.For with sadness I can again achieve that sense of being in tune with myself and with that,I could relate to what is happening around me and I could project my inner feelings in a more harmonious form,and that to me,is akin to euphoria.God I miss my electric guitar.
Gary Moore-Still Got the Blues
Gary Moore-Still Got the Blues
Monday, July 14, 2008
Numero 20! 1! 18! 3! Attaquez!
It's been a whirlwind week.After staying idle doing watever I could lay my hands on for the holidays,I'm back again.Yeah..back to the heckish ride in this place called Kuala Lumpur.
Location :Tunku Abdul Rahman College
Objective:To get the original certificate for my A-levels results which are required to be photocopied no no the people in PTPTN will not accept the photostated result slip which were given by the college months earlier to ease our burdens with the red-tape involved in everything that has to do with anchoring our behinds firmly on the course of our choice.
What's worse,after a week of being here,I find myself once again in a place best forgotten which I knew I have to come to eventually but not before much delay.But as everything in life goes,one can never assume one's plans to go smoothly without even getting a bump here and there.Maybe the road could even be tarred anew completely,a road totally different from what one envisioned before,even with new landscapes for the eyes to lay hold on.
It is easy to get into a state of delirium with all that and one might think "why did I never know of this before?" Of course,to know is such a powerful word,and it is plain ignorance for anyone to lay claim on knowing when what one assumed that he/she knows is truly just the most minute of either observation and experimentation or both of the subject in hand.So now,with all that in mind,let me try to muster as much stupidity as I could bear now before exclaiming aloud in my heart.. "WAT THE HECK AM I DOING HERE IN TARC??!"

Objective:To get the original certificate for my A-levels results which are required to be photocopied no no the people in PTPTN will not accept the photostated result slip which were given by the college months earlier to ease our burdens with the red-tape involved in everything that has to do with anchoring our behinds firmly on the course of our choice.
Emm next time just read the part which is highlighted in purple.I'm gonna implement that purple highlight thingy starting from now to save people from the trouble of having to sift through my posts to find any concrete meaning or reason behind it.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Counting Days
Well I must say I'm really surprised.Finally managed to get this screen loaded somehow.I kinda hate repeating myself..but there is clearly something wrong with the Internet,or my connection at least.Well..anyway...monopoly is a real pain,bugger.
My university days are about to start soon.Next Monday to be exact.So it was nice to have my brain whacked into sugarcane pulp to commemorate the days before I'm off.What better way to do that than by having some close friends over for the night?Had Samuel and Jian Yao over my house here on Sunday supposedly to watch the Euro Finals.Ended up I slept right through it.I can't imagine how Samuel could get up since he only slept for 2 hours the night before.It really was a tiring day.At least for now the Old Folk's Home thing is done with and it will be quite some time before I can get involved with it again since my studies are about to be continued.Anyway here's one of the many pictures Samuel the cameraman took for the event.Thanks for the help man :)
Its nice to have my friends over for the night.Kinda reminds me old hostel days?Only that now its in my house.And of course its was real funny to see Samuel's gushing over my guitar.And Jian Yao..just being himself HAHA :D We had lots of laughs as usual.
After sending Jian Yao home the next day in the morning,its time to get down to some serious business.Its time for some button mashing!Tried Naruto but something's wrong with the DVD..however all hope is not lost.For I crossed eyes with a certain masked guy in white in the box where I kept the games..and everything to do with it was suddenly conjured up in my mind.Images floated into my thoughts at an increasingly fast pace and voila!I AM YOUR FATHER!!! thus came the phrase knocking into my head at the highest speed possible! .............................umm sorry uh there was a certain anomaly in..well..uh I guess my mental sub-conscience which kinda disarrayed my brain for a while and no..certainly I didn't shout that out..Anyway I agree that that must be one of the dumbest phrases one has ever heard in a movie.I won't elaborate on the details.

Yes you guessed it right!Its Star Wars!Samuel and I hopped into our seats.And then came the mindless action!It was his first time playing it and my second time.So there were some minor accidents just involves shooting the backs of our comrades and running around aimlessly and then getting shot at and then getting bombed to smithereens.Umm..maybe its not too minor after all.Anyway Samuel had the misfortune of rolling down a chasm.And I,too excited at the notion of being able to play a Jedi halfway through a mission,double-jumped with glee only to fall into a black abyss.Out it came blaring on the screen 'Ku-bla-bla has fled the battlefield'.Thanks for the reminder.You can stop reminding me now.
I guess we must look like this to anyone who might pass by us while we were playing.

Well..I will surely miss these days.Kay till next time.That is,if I manage to click 'Add Post' without hanging..
My university days are about to start soon.Next Monday to be exact.So it was nice to have my brain whacked into sugarcane pulp to commemorate the days before I'm off.What better way to do that than by having some close friends over for the night?Had Samuel and Jian Yao over my house here on Sunday supposedly to watch the Euro Finals.Ended up I slept right through it.I can't imagine how Samuel could get up since he only slept for 2 hours the night before.It really was a tiring day.At least for now the Old Folk's Home thing is done with and it will be quite some time before I can get involved with it again since my studies are about to be continued.Anyway here's one of the many pictures Samuel the cameraman took for the event.Thanks for the help man :)
After sending Jian Yao home the next day in the morning,its time to get down to some serious business.Its time for some button mashing!Tried Naruto but something's wrong with the DVD..however all hope is not lost.For I crossed eyes with a certain masked guy in white in the box where I kept the games..and everything to do with it was suddenly conjured up in my mind.Images floated into my thoughts at an increasingly fast pace and voila!I AM YOUR FATHER!!! thus came the phrase knocking into my head at the highest speed possible! .............................umm sorry uh there was a certain anomaly in..well..uh I guess my mental sub-conscience which kinda disarrayed my brain for a while and no..certainly I didn't shout that out..Anyway I agree that that must be one of the dumbest phrases one has ever heard in a movie.I won't elaborate on the details.

Yes you guessed it right!Its Star Wars!Samuel and I hopped into our seats.And then came the mindless action!It was his first time playing it and my second time.So there were some minor accidents just involves shooting the backs of our comrades and running around aimlessly and then getting shot at and then getting bombed to smithereens.Umm..maybe its not too minor after all.Anyway Samuel had the misfortune of rolling down a chasm.And I,too excited at the notion of being able to play a Jedi halfway through a mission,double-jumped with glee only to fall into a black abyss.Out it came blaring on the screen 'Ku-bla-bla has fled the battlefield'.Thanks for the reminder.You can stop reminding me now.
I guess we must look like this to anyone who might pass by us while we were playing.

Well..I will surely miss these days.Kay till next time.That is,if I manage to click 'Add Post' without hanging..
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