Sleeping,dreaming and staying sane doesn't really mesh well together while one is having one or more of the following ailments:fever,sore throat,cold.Well actually one could omit the 'staying sane' part since how does one even know if one is level-headed enough to judge how sane one is at the moment when there is a need to judge whether one is sane or not?I became
one for the subject at matter two nights ago so yeah I could pretty much say..it's a pretty darned jumbled up mess to even bother thinking about in the first place.But watever I'll just try to remember as much as I could.I gotta write a post anyway.
Imagine lying on bed at night with an incredible heaviness pressing against your body.Top that off with one of those Acme(how do u do that trademark sign) anvils you see in those cartoons
already on your head.Imagine they are even some cannibals dancing around two smoking-hot cauldrons that suspiciously looks very much like enlarged version of your eyes.Who knows why they are dancing maybe they are just expressing their joy of having created mushroom soup.It doesn't matter anyway.There are some needles jutting out from your pillow and they happen to poke your neck right now.No don't blame the needle what else could needles do in that position?Give you acupuncture?
Well anyway those were just exaggerated examples.It's really a normal thing to experience unpleasantness whenever one is not feeling well.Anyway the thing which made me curious is.. why does one can feel like one is not really sleeping when one is dreaming so much while one is sick?
feeling that you don't really care whether you sleep or not you just want to lie on the bed and roll on it and wait no wait let me rephrase that you just want to lie on the bed and roll on it and delay wait isn't that just a simile of wait let's just drop that you think that you just want to lie on the bed and roll on it yeah it will help shorten the time it takes for your mind to reach the state of mind where it will shut down and you will be able to let your body rest after all your body deserves a rest doesn't it it is feeling unwell after all but why does it deserve a rest I just said it it will help shorten the time it takes for your mind to reach the state of mind that you just want to lie on the bed and roll on it and waitAnyway it's good to be sick once in a while.Its like a reset for our body system in a way.And in my opinion there is a good reason why God muddles up the mind of whoever has some sort of fever.When all of one's bodily-functions are firing at full cylinders thus raising the heat in one's body above normal,I think it takes a dumb person to simmer down the heat a bit.The following are excerpts of what I dreamt,felt and thought about repeatedly that night.
-Scoring some kinda thing which I don't know myself everytime I roll over the bed in a certain way.-Getting out of a government facility by rolling down an inclined forest(why didn't I hit anytrees?)-Dream the perfect dream.Did this only once.I acquired the white circle!(Don't ask me why it's a perfect dream.Tome at that moment,it was perfect for no apparent reason.I even woke up in a cold sweatconvincing myself while breathing as slowly and relaxed as I could that I am in control and noother colour will be able to take away the perfect white circle away from me.At that moment Ibelieved if I breathed any faster my white circle will turn into a cornucopia of colours which at that moment is bad for some apparent reason.Its kinda disappointing knowing now that it is ridiculous and my heart actually raced for no apparent reason -_-")In the end I gotta agree that the feeling of knowing I actually get to sleep so much is good :)