I've always enjoyed reading comics since young.It is one of those few pastimes one does when one is still a kid and still can enjoy doing when one has grown up age-wise.Note that I said age-wise since yeah people can be getting grey hair stuff like that but nothing can prevent someone from having a young heart and all too often disregard common sense for a little fun eh?Well anyway I feel comics are timeless the way books are for many and the way toys are for most children.It is one of the sort of escapism one rarely experiences in which we surrender ourselves wholly to our imagination and just shape things up in our mind freely as they pop up in our world without any restrictions.Well,actually I remember vaguely that toys are the best for that sort of excitement.But then again it is sort of a compensation that although we have more numbers in our years,we still can enjoy in things like comics,books,musics for example and many other forms of art in order to remind us of that sublime,magical feeling we had when we were still children and are overly curious and inquisitive in everything we saw,felt,touched,heard,and imagined in those irreplaceble days.

Well anyway since my holidays started I've been sticking my nose into some stuff and one of it was Calvin and Hobbes.Well actually I've been following the series daily in the newspapers but to get the whole thing downloaded?Nice.

I like the whole thing.It really reminds me of alot of idiotic things that one as a child can identify with,yet it's not necessary to experience it in order to understand it.I really respect the artist behind this comic strip,Bill Watterson.He managed to capture that fleeting moment of..well I don't know how to phrase it..maybe childishness and naivete?And by peppering in some of his life experiences and philosophy here and there,some parts in the comic becomes a reminder to some of the simpler things in life we occasionaly forget.

It just seems perfect.Calvin is a creative,intelligent,nefarious,scheming kid with an amazingly wide vocabulary.Yet,he's just a little kid and kids will be kids being sweet at very very rare instances.Hobbes is his stuffed tiger who's living purely due to Calvin's imagination and offers a contrast to Calvin with his common sense,while during other times he'll just be sleeping or pouncing at Calvin and just playing around like nuts with his best friend.I referred to Hobbes as his since he is all too human,and it's just nice to see both of them do crazy stuff together.

There are many other memorable characters in the comic strip too,like Mom and Dad,Susie,Rosalyn,Mrs Wormwood,Moe the Bully and others and they all add to the dimension of Calvin's world greatly.It is unthinkable to have just Calvin and Hobbes scurrying around in Calvin's own train of thought without these characters since the addition of these supporting characters adds a bit of a realism and gives the comic strip a taste of modern day living by incorporating some of its elements into it.Moreover they certainly prove their important role at times by becoming subjects in clarifying some of the many poignant remarks and observations the artist weaves into his creation.

Well I guess that's enough for this topic haha.Hopefully it manages to make do for my past week of not blogging hehe :P Anyway though the comic strip has stopped its run now,I'm sure many more people will continue to rediscover the magic of the world of Calvin and Hobbes :)