Yep.Been there,done that,and now..I'm back.It was a long journey.Fraught with dangers too perilous which I will leave little to detail,for fear it might leave a bad ring to the ears followed by a shudder of fear too perhaps,orchestrated together with the sound of rattling teeth and some nervous twitching of the fingers.A tale of such magnanimous scale,you would do better by just trying to leap over a mountain instead.What else can I say?
Argh shucks okay I admit it I've just been sleeping more and been lazy to update my blog.And the title of the post was a hint to my was taken from Bilbo so I'm was just trying to recap his tale.So I have been honest all along,yeah?
Do give me credit though for taking the arduous task of deleting some spam(just took a minute though) I saw under my comments section.Gotta give them credit though for being persistent.
Which begs the thought..why the heck is spam called spam?
As far as I know,it's some kind of food,isn't it?
Dam I prefer this kind of spam over the other one so much more.Who doesn't like getting his/her mouth stuffed full with food?Think bout the starving children..the starving children!!
Haha okay moderation is never too much or too little to aim for.But still..shit I am hungry.
So why must they call spam spam when it could have been a much better alternative?They could give it a more elegant intonation.Spammoutte~.Or make that exotic,Spimikamenn.Or heck just make it dam annoying and just call it Telettubies.
P.S Jason has been temporarily incapacitated.Post will be re-edited soon with more information on everybody's favourite spam!
So..where was I?Sorry addled head is a side-effect of acute massive trauma.Oh yeah,why do we call the spam we get in our e-mails and so on spam?To recap,just look at the can up there.That's what spam was originally and at its finest moment---> Glorious Shoulder of Pork and Ham.
And the reason why we don't call it Tele....err I better skip that.Anyway,reason's simple.
Monty Python.
What could be cooler than that?Not even ice cold.Man..that is legend.
I myself don't really know takes a lifetime to understand oneself..IMHO everyone is comprised of many different parts and behaviour can be influenced either directly or indirectly through many factors..mainly by how one is related to one' s surroundings..whether it's a willing interaction or subjugated oppression or it could just be some freak unknown thing jumbled up into the equation.nway sorry for the rambling yeah i think i'm a friendly person and yeah its great to meet new people and it's definitely a plus if sanity is not lacking in whomsoever it is hehe XD