And..SHIT YEAH!! it was friggin awesome it ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well..to lay down some details on it..the gist of the story is pretty simple.First there's this young teenager..who happens to be the kind of kid you might see in your school.You know the nice kid,who gets looked down by others,gets bullied in the process too,have few friends to confide with...you get my drift.Yeah..average kid with above average grades living a kinda uneventful life.
And then one day while he was once again sorting out the hurt which he feels on a daily basis sitting on an unassuming public bench he saw this group of kids abusing a weird dog so his feelings just got out to reach for the poor dog and he saved the dog.
The dog so happens to be taken care by a long-haired guitarist who so happens to be in a band..Yeah the story goes on from there without saying.
We'll see the boy's coming of age story of sorts.His handlings with everyday life,dealings with new found friends,interests in new and resurfaced romantic interests, and..........a NEW FOUND PASSION IN GREAT MUSIC!
Yeah its the transformation of a guy who has learnt how to express himself better with the power of Music.All through adolescence.
What's not to like,eh?
Thumb up for the nice musical references too.
This anime re-ignited my passion haven't had this feeling in years..I NEED TO LISTEN TO MUSIC!It's about time to practice too #_#